Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Our First Post

Hey All,

It is the night before we leave for our trip, and so I thought we should get this blog started giving you all an introduction to our team and to the trip.

Team Romania is comprised of 8 members:
April Gregory, who is a co-leader
Ryan McAneney, who is also a co-leader
Nate Gentilin
Larissa Niessen
Christie Lloyd-Jones
Kellen Peltack
Kelsey Mahler
and Bree Binstock

This team has been formed and called to go to Bucharest, Romania where we will be working with orphans throughout the area.

Our team verse is Matthew 25:40
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."

That verse was chosen just show that as we serve others, ultimately it is our service to God.

Our Team Purpose Statement is:
To bring the love of Jesus Christ to orphans in order to further God's glory, and encourage each other as a team towards spiritual growth.

As we prepare to leave and embark on this journey God has called us on, we do have some prayer requests:

-That tomorrow, our travel day goes smoothly, that we make our flights and don't lose any luggage in the process.

- that the whole team stays healthy while overseas

~ our hearts will be prepared for what God is going to do in our lives, and that we be willing to work out his will in romania

~that our team will be able to communicate effectively with one another so there won't be any conflicts

~for God to prepare the hearts of the kids and staff members we are going to be ministering to

~that as we interact with the Romanian people, we will be able to communicate with them, that we will respect their culture through our words and actions, and that they will see a difference in us that is Christ living in our hearts

-that everything each one of us does will reflect God's everlasting love to everyone we come into contact with, be it the orphans, the orphange workers, the missionaries, or even the flight attendants.

I am sure that as we go on we will have more things to be praying for and more stories to tell.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and to stay updated. Make sure you keep checking as we will be updating this throughout our time in Romania.

Thanks again and may God bless,
Team Romania


  1. Hi Team Romania, I just received word that you are in Chicago and scheduled to leave the US in 1 hr. It is such a blessing to know that while most college students are away partying on their breaks, the eight of you are obediently serving the Lord to further His Kingdom! How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news... May the Lord strengthen you, keep you and continue to bless you as you serve Him!
    Love to you all~Kathleen (Bree's Mom)

  2. So happy to find this blog! Thinking about you all and praying for you!

    April's Dad

  3. Hi everyone. Just got word that you have arrived safely in Romania. Ryan and April, I am praying for the Lord to strengthen you as you deal with trying to recover all the boxes of supplies. Thank you fr all your hard work and leadership! I am so grateful that all your personal luggage has arrived.

    Praying for continued safety as you travel to the center through the snow. Hopefully it will be just in time for a hot meal and a warm nights sleep.

    God bless you all!
    Kathleen~Bree's Mom

  4. I hope that all of you feel sustained by our prayers.

    If you offer yourself to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted one, then your light will shine in the darkness. - Isaiah 58:10

    I feel your lights shining all the way in Knoxville, TN.

    May God Bless and Keep you during this Journey. - Robin (Bree's "aunt")

  5. Praise God for a safe journey! My prayers are with you all!

  6. I give thanks to God for this blog! Kathleen's comment was the first I really knew that the team had really arrived in Romania...though I did have faith that it had happened.

  7. Glad to know you are there safely and have your luggage! I hope you have a good nights sleep! We are praying for all of you!

  8. It's good to hear that you are having fun with the Children. We'll pray for the Lord to give them a peace and calmness so they will be attentive and hear you as you share the Gospel. Stay bold and encouraged...He is faithful!
    Kathleen~Bree's Mom

  9. Ryan, I am so excited for you and your group. Larry and I felt out of the loop, so glad to have your blog to talk with you. I haven't used one before. We have been praying for you and your group. Biola accounting said when I tried to pay it today said ok. Then my credit card said it was already paid, thus I think you must have taken care of it. Good job !!! Biola will call me Monday to confirm your taken care of. Please Pray for Grams salvation she has gone unconscious and Lee thinks just hours to live. Love you from Larry and Mom Hugs!!

  10. Bree...and missionary are you all doing? How was the flight? Your thoughts as you traveled and now that you have arrived? Write when you can...we know you are busy as instruments of God's work to the lost and needy....May he bless you as you give your selves to him in this time. Love, BJ

  11. Praying for you all and the kids like crazy.


  12. go team Romania!
    I'm praying for you guys!!!!

    Hi Larissa and CLJ!!

    Go Jesus!!!!

    Be safe. Bye! :]

  13. Ryan,
    Shari and I were very happy that Shannon sent us the site for your blog
    it gives us a chance to keep an on you from afar, having seen you throw I have no doubt that you lost a snowball fight
    We are all very proud of the work you are doing, Grandma, Aunt Sue and everyone else want to say hello and tell you how proud they are of you, Love you be safe

  14. Team Romania,
    Continuing to pray for strength, health, wisdom and knowledge for you as you continue to share the Gospel. Many seeds are being planted, stay focused on the mission, you're doing great!
    Love, Kathleen (Bree's Mom)
    Bree-try to get some vitamin C~we're praying for you!

  15. Dear Ryan, Gram passed away on Jan 10th, she had a good 102 years. Dad said she stopped driving 1 month ago because she wasn't feeling very good.
    Think of you and praying each morning as usual, God Bless you!!! Talked with John Ray he is so funny. You guys must have a blast weight lifting. Love From Mom and Larry.

  16. Ryan,
    We are praying for extra portions of God's grace as He continues to use you in mighty ways to further His kingdom. We're very sorry to hear about your Grandmother. I know how proud she must have been to know you are so unselfishly serving the Lord and the Orphans of Romania.

    Praying for Gods arms to hold you tightly and his peace to flood your heart like a river.
    With love, Brian & Kathleen Binstock (Bree's Dad & Mom)

  17. The trip sounds fantastic and your work will be a blessing to those you touch and in your own hearts. Think of you often all is well here, we made it through the flu. Love Mom and Larry
